Randall Wicomb is one of the great names that every South African recognizes. Randall has been in the South African music business for many years now. The numerous CD’s he has released is only a small part of the legacy Randall Wicomb will leave behind. Randall has put music to some of the best known Afrikaans love poems such as ‘Êrens Is Jy‘, ‘Winternag’, Allerliefsde-Rooibosduif’ and more. As well as the beautiful ‘Opelug Kaffeetjie’, a new arrangement from his very first album, released in the late seventies. Cradock 200 is bringing Randall Wicomb to Cradock for the Karoo Writers Festival on the 25 July 2014. This is a very exciting event for Cradock and all his fans. Love songs, poems, wine and friends… now this is going to be a night to remember!.